I'm sure it doesn't take many of you by surprise that I was waiting in line at 11:45 on Friday night to pick up my super-duper special edition blu-ray copy of Eclipse. I usually go to a comfy bookstore type place like Borders so I can get a giant coffee to keep me up all night and watch all the extra features, but they decided to screw me over and not participate in the most important event in the second half of 2010.
Anyway, I ended up standing in line at Wal-Mart (gag) and watching Robporn on my iPhone as I waited in line. Yay, it's 11:59 and they start passing out copies so we can check out:
Wal-Mart guy: Who needs Blu-Ray
Me: Me! (Oh wait, this is just the plain one)...to Wal-Mart guy..."Excuse me, I need the special edition blu-ray"
Wal-Mart guy: Oh, okay. Let me go look
Me: (Continuing to watch Robporn)
Wal-Mart guy: We don't have the Blu-ray special edition (he could give a shit)
Me: You're kidding, right? (People around me are starting to look scared that there will be a scene. I'm thinking there very well may be.)
Wal-Mart guy: No, we just have the regular Blu-ray.
I feel like I'm moving in slow motion. I carefully weigh my options. I can:
1. Tackle the Wal-Mart guy and do as much damage as possible
2. Look for a sharp object in my purse.
3. Most sane option-hurry up and find another place I can get it, because if I'm in jail I won't be watching Eclipse tonight.
OK, so I decided on option 3. Surprising right, because I was pissed, and I think many of the people in line were thinking I would go with option 1 or 2. After all was said and done I was driving around after midnight and ended up finding the frickin' Blu-ray special edition at my 3rd stop at another Wal-Mart who decided they would do me the extreme honor of carrying all the versions of Eclipse.
Yes, I know I'm obsessed. But all of you are too, so there! So here's a video I found that represents our devotion/ insanity perfectly, and my intention to never stop.
So what's your favorite part of the DVD Extras? Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine...
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