
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Former Oakland Raider (and LSU!) Quarterback in BD!


...Ex Oakland Raiders Quarterback Jamarcus Russell has been cast in a supporting role in the fang fest. 

Screen writer Melissa Rosenberg said she wanted to depart a bit from Stephenie Meyer’s original text. Twilight Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon also agrees with the casting of Jamarcus Russell and Rosenberg’s script treatment.
“Jamarcus Russell represents modern excess in the film” explained Condon. He went on to say “we wanted to have a vampire with an insatiable appetite. I had a chance meeting with Jamarcus Russell at the In-N-Out Burger in Oakland. I was amazed at the way he savagely tore into burger after burger. “ Condon went on to say “when I saw Jamarcus’ passion and focus as the grease rolled down his face I knew this had to be my new vampire.


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