
Monday, January 31, 2011

How Am I Supposed To Sleep?

It's days like today when lucky stalkers get the dream shot:

How much did this chick crap her pants when she saw this entourage walking around? I normally see white TSBD vans and golf carts driving around when I sit stalking...

Anyway, it's days like today when I ask myself, "Self, how are we supposed to maintain normal daily routines such as sleep when Rob is within a 15 mile radius of your home probably reenacting this scene when he goes to bed?"

And I don't really know how to answer that question, but I do know that IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

View From My Bed

I just realized I never shared with you guys a portion of my shrine. This is the first thing I wake up to every morning!

My Eclipse calendar is being punished because this is the January picture:


And my Rob calendar is proudly hanging in the kitchen!

I also have bonus points to the fanfic hoors who can pick out the references from my last Facebook post:

Going to eat chocolate and read smut! Laters baby!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Set photos

Hey guys! Hanging out at the set again today. Lots of TSBD vans driving in and out. Also, this tent was not up last week.

ALOT more action and people walking around.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm learning to blog from my iPhone

So, I've been totes MIA for a while. Lots of crazy work stuff going on and I am in transition with my computer/Internet. So, I'm gonna try blogging with this handy, dandy blogging app on my iPhone. Y'all tell me if it sucks!

Thought I'd start small and gush about my fave pic of The Precious from the GGs!! Wasn't he TO DIE FOR!!

I've also started reading Cosmopolis, and boy are we in for a treat!!!

So, what did you think of Rob's midnight blue tux, and have you started Cosmopolis? Get on it girls!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Woodstone Dr,Prairieville,United States

Monday, January 3, 2011

Results From Last Years Polls

Surely you don't come here just for Robward Porn...I mean you?  Because I first question of 2010 was:

1. What team are you on?

  • Team Edward won by an astonished 79%!!!

Don't be so shocked Rob. We knew Edward could pull it off.

  • Team Jasper Came in second place with 14% of your vote and I think some of these pics helped!


  • And Last (and I guess we could say least-don't throw things) is Team Jacob with 7% of your vote.
I'm not sure what picture to put up for Jacob, so I will use this one without a face.  It's my favorite.  Thanks for letting me joke around with you Team Jacob! 

Oh, and just in case you voted thinking about's your Team Jacob pic...

I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.

2. What is you favorite book in the Twilight Series?

  • First place was a tie at 44% of your vote each for:



  • And, we musn't forget what started it all! However, coming in last place is the first in the series with 11% of your vote:


Thank you for participating! Stay tuned for our 2011 polls coming soon!

And just cuz I feel like it:


Did You Say Rob Porn?

I haven't shelled out any Rob Porn lately, and honestly it's because I haven't been too impressed by the new offerings in the last few weeks.  That being said, here's what I have found to keep me sated!! Enjoy! Let me know what you think.

OK, And last but not least, this vid got me interested in The Red Line and I LOVED THIS FIC.  Think a smashing together of MotU and EP! Not for the faint of heart though...pretty graphic stuff, don't say I didn't warn you!  (That's why we love fic though right?!). I have the link for the story on the right side of the page if you want to read it!